@KTzone » 日常 - 工作創業 » Drupal Camp A - Do Business with Drupal

2010-1-10 11:56 01111chung
Drupal Camp A - Do Business with Drupal

[b]Mission[/b]: Camp A is for biz users and developers to use Drupal for potential business applications.[b]Time[/b]: Jan 28 and 29, 2010 (Two Days 9:30 am to 5:30 pm - 1 hr lunch time)
[b]Venue[/b]: Hong Kong Science Park
[b]Fee[/b]: HKD 2800 per head
[b]Target Audience[/b]: Corporate IT, Designers, Developers, MarCom
[b]Camp Agenda[/b]: [url=http://accept.uniforce.net/page/drupal-camp-agenda]http://accept.uniforce.net/page/drupal-camp-agenda[/url]

[b]Camp Speaker/Coach[/b]: Francis Kam,Drupal based designer and developer, bult Drupal sites for Li &Fung, Seventeen, Gezimart, OCO88, etc. 20+ years in the industry, outof which 4+ in Drupal life lately, and most of other times in opentechnologies, LAMP stack, biz infrastructure,... you name it
[b]Earlybird Gift[/b]: Uniforce USB eWallet -2GB USB ThumbDrive with a built-in Portal Drupal Personal InformationManager - selling at USD 30 now FREE upon successful completion ofDrupal Camp A:-) Limited quantity available subject to earlyconfirmation of registration availability:-)
[b]Equipment[/b]: we will provide WIFI andaccess to our cloud based Drupal teaching platform, and please bringyour netbook/notebook with WIFI or LAN access capability to attend theCamp; we provide coffee and fruits too:-)

Register at [url=http://accept.uniforce.net/event/drupal-camp]http://accept.uniforce.net/event/drupal-camp[/url]



2010-2-5 22:51 goshawkyy
Really? Maybe I can try it next time I come back to Hongkong.

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